UJAMAA SHULE was founded to provide an educational institution that would ensure Afrikan children the development of a strong positive self-image, a sense of values, and the achievement of academic excellence.

UJAMAA a Kiswahili word that means Family hood of Cooperative Economics.
UJAMAA is a non-profit independent Afrikan School.
UJAMAA receives no government or Corporate funds.
UJAMAA practices and emphasizes our traditional Afrikan culture.
UJAMAA is a collective of families who do for self, build, share, respect each other and believe in self-determination.
UJAMAA operates five days a week, serving children preschool through secondary level and offering vegetarian meals.
- To develop and enhance the quality of Afrikan people.
- To raise the level of expectation, performance, and academic achievement of our young people.
- To read and study Afrikan history and culture.
- To instill in our children the concept of familyhood, and totally involve the family.
- To teach the fundamental academic and technical skills.
- To create a social atmosphere where male and female roles are clearly defined.
- To establish a healthy, wholesome, and disciplined environment.

Ujamaa Shule is the oldest completely independent Afrikan-centered school in the United States, founded in 1968 by Dr. El Senzengakulu Zulu.