Admission Process

UJAMAA SHULE operates on a rolling admission basis. Candidates who have completed the admission process will be notified immediately by the Admission Office. Please note that a candidate’s file for admission cannot be reviewed by the Admission Committee until all the necessary steps are complete.
Application Form & Fee
The application form and other required forms should be completed and turned in, along with a non-refundable application fee.
Interview and Visit
Schedule an appointment with the Admission Office for an interview. Contact the Admission Office at (202) 232-2997.
Enrollment Procedure
Once a student has been offered admission to UJAMAA SHULE, parents will be sent a formal acceptance letter, along with complete enrollment materials including contract, registration, and payment instructions. Families will be expected to respond to an offer of admission within 3-5 days.
Please contact the Admission Office at (202) 232-2997, if you should have any questions regarding the admission process.